Jumat, 30 Maret 2012

High Schooler Facts

Well, there's no reason behind making this post. Maybe because this would be my one of the latest posting before I face the final exam in April. Just enjoy it! Are you doing the exact same behaviour as the ones I write on this post?

1. The most popular one and all of the students have ever done it. Yes, cheating!
    Usually we do it with friends who are smarter than us. But sometimes we still don't get good marks if neither of us have studied the reading material before.

2. That horrible moment when our teacher asks one of the students to explain something in front of the class, and we accidentally making eye contact.

Sabtu, 24 Maret 2012

Just Some Random and Quiz Sites

Hello! Do you get bored easily when there's nothing to do? Prefer spending time in front of the computer seeking something new? Or maybe you are one of those people who like to take random quizzes on the internet? Well, if so, you should visit these sites.

1. http://9gag.com/
2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/mind/
3. http://allthetests.com/
4. http://www.quizazz.com/
5. http://quizbox.com/
6. http://knowwhatsfuckingcrazy.tumblr.com/
7. http://www.where-is-this.com/
8. http://www.personalityquiz.net/
Hasta luego!

Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

Best Books I've Ever Read

 I got inspired by the book report task my teacher gave me sometimes ago, so today I will tell you all about the best books I have ever read. All of them are fiction novels . Here they are.

1. The Book of Lost Things

    High in his attic bedroom, twelve-year-old David mourns the death of his mother, with only the books on his shelf for company. But those books have begun to whisper to him in the darkness. Angry and alone, he takes refuge in his imagination and soon finds that reality and fantasy have begun to meld. While his family falls apart around him, David is violently propelled into a world that is a strange reflection of his own -- populated by heroes and monsters and ruled by a faded king who keeps his secrets in a mysterious book, The Book of Lost Things.

Best Songs I've Ever Heard

Hello Bloggers! Today I will write down the best songs I've ever heard. Here they are.

1.Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
2.Don't Stop Me Now - Queen
3.The Spirit Carries On - Dream Theater
4.Hey Jude - The Beatles
5.Imagine - John Lennon

Selasa, 06 Maret 2012

Referensi Alamat Tutorial Blog

Lanjutan dari posting sebelumnya, belum lepas dari ujian praktik TIK, kami kembali ditugaskan untuk memposting mengenai referensi alamat tutorial blog. Berikut ini adalah alamat-alamat tersebut. Semoga bermanfaat.

1. shabbyblogs.com
    Situs yang bagus untuk mencari template blog. Kekurangannya template yang disediakan sangat berat sehingga menghambat pemuatan halaman

Tips Mempercantik Tampilan Blog

Halo! Berhubung adanya ujian praktik TIK yang bermaterikan tips-tips mempercantik blog, maka kali ini aku akan menshare-nya di sini. Tapi semua itu ada resikonya, salah satunya yaitu blog akan memuat halaman lebih lama.

 1. Menambahkan Jam pada Blog
    1. Pertama-tama buka www.clocklink.com 
    2. Kemudian click Galery, lalu pilih salah satu model jam yang kamu suka di View HTML Tag
    3. Terus muncul kode HTML untuk dicopy ke blogmu, tapi sebelumnya kamu bisa mengedit warna dari analog jam dengan memberi check pada pilihan warna (color) diatas kode HTMLdan edit (timezone) waktu bagian.

Pengalaman Tak Terlupakan Selama di SMP 8 Yogyakarta

                 Aku berangkat dari rumah jam 19.00 dan tiba di sekolah pukul 19.30. Saat itu aku adalah murid paling rajin, karena datang paling awal. Busnya sendiri datang pada pukul setengah sembilan lebih, jadi kami, siswa-siswi SMP 8 menunggu lumayan lama. Di bus aku duduk di tengah, sebelahku Afiffah. Perjalanan memakan waktu kurang lebih 8 jam. Tidurku kurang nyenyak di bus karena posisi yang tidak mendukung. Tempat pertama yang kami jajaki
adalah sebuah restoran di Ngawi, di sana kami hanya mampir di toilet dan duduk-duduk untuk istirahat selama kurang lebih 1,5 jam. Setelah itu perjalanan dilanjutkan hingga kami berhenti lagi di sebuah restoran di Pasuruan untuk mandi dan makan. Di sana, aku mandi tanpa bayar