Sabtu, 07 April 2012

How to Deal with Sore Guitar Fingers

Struggling with sore guitar fingers? No problem, it's natural. This is the most common problems for everyone who learns guitar for the first time. Especially for those who learn classical guitar and have to move their fingers from string to string and fret to fret very quickly. Well, these are the tips how to deal with sore guitar fingers.

1. Build up your calluses
    It's quite hard, and it takes a few days. You have to practise your guitar ability over and over. When your fingers get hurt, you'd better off for a while. Do this regularly. And after a few days, look what you've got on your fingertips! Well, I know, calluses is not beautiful at all, but it can reduce the pain on your fingertips while playing guitar.

2. Do not play the guitar after washing your hand
   Washing your hand before playing your guitar is not a good idea. It can soften your fingertips and harm your calluses. Making you play the guitar more painful.

3. Rub your fingers on rough surfaces as often as you can, or carry something like a rough stone with you, so you can use it throughout the day to toughen your fingertips. And develop the calluses.

I think that's enough for now, I will add more tips later. No pain, no gain :)

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